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Online Donation

Please note that donations to this organization are exempt from income tax under Section 80G(5)(vi) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

The certificate issued by the Govt of India, Ministry of Finance, Income Tax Department(Exemption), Kolkata can be downloaded below :

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Online Donation

The Galia Saradapalli Vivekananda Sevakendra provide opportunities for the public to help in carrying out various types of work for serving humanity. This cooperation may consist in active participation in the activities of the Mission, or in the contribution to the different Funds. Admirers and devotees, who are in sympathy with the objects of the this organization but are unable to take part in our activities, are cordially invited to help us by contributing to our Funds, which need their active support.


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Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Make a Donation and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. It’s a great way to contribute to our cause, and every little bit counts towards paving the path for a better tomorrow. Get in touch with us today for more details about how you can help.

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